Showing posts with label POLYMATH GENARAL-TOPIC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label POLYMATH GENARAL-TOPIC. Show all posts

why aren't we using it to become self-taught polymaths

If we have the internet that has millions of books for free that would make any great polymaths jealous, why aren't we using it to become self-taught polymaths?

self-taught polymaths
self-taught polymaths

While the internet provides an abundance of information and resources that can aid in self-education, becoming a polymath or a well-rounded expert in multiple fields is a complex endeavor that requires more than just access to information. Here are a few reasons why people may not fully utilize the Internet to become self-taught polymaths:

Self-directed learning requires discipline, motivation, and focused effort. It can be challenging to maintain a consistent learning schedule and structure without external guidance or deadlines.

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